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Lady Proudfoot

Mr Justice Proudfoot

Marion Nairne, a widow

Lucy, her niece

Mary Jane, a maid

Captain Chalford

Comte de Moret, a Frenchman

Comtesse de Moret, his English wife

The Duke of Hermanos, a Spaniard



Set Design

Set construction

Set painting



Make up


Sound effects



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Tara Huffman

Graham Cole

Sue Child

Amanda Furnival

Charlotte Furnival

John Platt

Tim Bucknell

Barbara Faraday

Nick Agg-Manning

Mark Watts

Graham Cole

Tim Bucknall, Simon Potter

Graham Cole

Claire Young

Judy Watts

Myrtle Wild

Simon Westall

Simon Potter

Simon Potter

Norma Rich

Arthur & Clodagh Stevens

George & Angela Reed

Barbara Faraday, John Platt

Barbara Faraday

The Noble Spaniard 2003

by Somerset Maugham was first performed in 1908. Marion Nairn, a young widow, and her niece Lucy are spending the summer at Boulogne with Mr. Justice Proudfoot and his wife. The Duke of Hermanos sees Marion and becomes her devoted admirer. He declares his passion but Marion tells him that she is married, whereupon he says her husband must die and goes in search of him. Believing that Proudfoot is Marion's husband, he challenges him to a duel. One after another, the men are mistaken by the impetuous Spaniard for the husband of his adored one, and he tries to fight them all. In the end Marion gives in to his passion, as this seems the only way to kill it.

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